Categories: Blog Kenya

Gun in The Club Gets Popular Kenyan DJ Arrested

When popular Kenyan DJ decided to carry his gun to the club, the last thing on his mind was that it would get him arrested. Photos of DJ Moh were captured at a renown club, K1 clubhouse where the DJ was seen to be carrying a gun tucked under his belt. The resulting outcome of these pictures was a warrant for the DJ’s arrest for displaying a firearm at a club.

DJ Moh on the right

The popular DJ was apprehended at Space Lounge for the wrongdoing and the police confiscated the pistol and 7 rounds of ammunition from him. Immediately after his arrest, reactions poured in all over social media with majority of the comments being supportive of the DJ’s plight.

Many Kenyans took to defending the beloved DJ not only because of his fan base but also because many other individuals in Kenya carry around licenced firearms and are not charged for anything seeing as it is not a crime. In fact, photos of Nairobi Governor walking around with an exposed gun in his jacket pocket circulated to show the unjust nature of DJ Moh’s case.

“Please, stop being idle and release DJ Moh. If someone is a licenced gun holder and for sure we all know that he never displayed it intentionally, why arrest him?” This tweet was posted by one individual who like so many insist that no harm was done and that if anyone should be blamed, it should be the photographer who intentionally posted that picture exposing the gun.


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