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I’ve Been Struggling With My Self Image, Mental Health and Depression – Ciru Muriuki Confesses



Depression can hit even the best of us. Media personality Ciru Muriuki has publicly come out to share her depression story. The public figure who has been absent on social media explained that she has been going through a difficult period in her life.

In a video uploaded to her Instagram page, the BBC Africa journalist admitted that she struggled with her mental health, depression and self-image. She explained that her absence on social media was due to her demanding job.
“I have been MIA on social media for a bit. The biggest reason is work. Work can get really busy and don’t get me wrong, I love my job but it’s also really demanding…then there is also the fact that I have been struggling a bit with my mental health. I’ve had moments of great anxiety, I’ve had a couple of depressed moments,” she said.

media personality Ciru Muriuki

The former NTV presenter also said “You know what, I’m understating it when I say depressed moments it sounds like I felt down for about three minutes and sixty three seconds and that’s not the case. I’ve had periods of days and days turning to weeks that I’ve just not been okay and because I’ve not been okay I have not had the motivation to do much other than work and sleep.

Ciru also mentioned that she’s had body image issues since gaining weight  “I had started working out this year and then I stopped and since then, I’ve put on quite some weight and I’m not really loving myself physically right now because I’m at my absolute thickest I’ve ever been. You know there are times you walk past your mirror and you’re like what is that rhino in my room, oh no it’s me. So I’ve really been struggling with my self-image and if you’re not really feeling great about yourself you’re not going to be posting many pictures of yourself,” said Ciru.
