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Facts: Here are Three Reasons Why you Shouldn’t Get Married – Don’t Read This if You’re a Hopeless Romantic

Well, here are three reasons why in this day and age, you shouldn’t get married. Now, before you think I’m writing this because I’m a lonely nun somewhere, I’m not saying you shouldn’t have a life partner – I’m just saying you don’t need to get married to feel serious with your significant other.



Marriage has existed since time immemorial. Probably since the dinosaur ages when cavemen took cave women and produced cave babies who evolved into the modern human race. Marriage has also evolved. From simply ‘come we stay’ situations to big, grand, white and expensive gestures of ’till death do us part.’

Well, here are three reasons why in this day and age, you shouldn’t get married. Now, before you think I’m writing this because I’m a lonely nun somewhere, I’m not saying you shouldn’t have a life partner – I’m just saying you don’t need to get married to feel serious with your significant other. These three points will explain what I mean more.

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1. You really don’t have to be married to have children anymore.

Look around you. Babies are everywhere. Mothers and fathers are everywhere with their babies but do you see rings on their fingers? In 2011, a research showed that 40% of children were born to single mothers. Today, 50% of children are being born to unwed women under 30 years old. In short, it’s not a crime to have a child before marriage. This is the 21st Century.

2. Historically, marriage was an institution that was created to show that a woman is officially the property of a man

You don’t need to be a feminist to agree that a human being being considered as property is wrong. So why live in the patriarchal days. You don’t need to be married to know you love your significant other. There really isn’t a need for that as long as the two of you both want to commit. A lifelong commitment does not require a marriage prior to it.

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3. You can enjoy a domestic partnership free of divorce

Unfortunately, the rate of divorce is rising by the day because marriages sometimes work and sometimes don’t. One thing is however sure – divorce is a long breaking process. The failure of a marriage is almost always a source of unnecessary shame so why not spare yourself the hustle? If you love each other and are ready for a family, move in together, grow and procreate.
